Ohm’s Law Calculator

Ohm’s Law Calculator

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About the Ohm’s Law Calculator ⚡

Ohm’s Law is a fundamental principle in electrical engineering and physics. It describes the relationship between voltage (V), current (I), and resistance (R) in an electrical circuit. The formula is: \[ V = I \times R \] This tool helps you calculate any one of these values if the other two are known.

How to Use 🛠️

  • Enter any two known values (voltage, current, or resistance).
  • Leave the field you want to calculate empty.
  • Click “Calculate” to get the result.

Examples 📊

Voltage (V) Current (I) Resistance (R)
12 V 2 A 6 Ω
24 V 3 A 8 Ω
5 V 0.5 A 10 Ω

Key Features ✨

  • Dynamic Calculations: Instantly calculates the missing value.
  • Error Handling: Alerts you if invalid inputs are provided.
  • User-Friendly: Clean and modern design for ease of use.

Ohm’s Law Formulas 🔧

Ohm’s Law can be rearranged to solve for any of the three variables: \[ V = I \times R \quad \text{(Voltage)} \] \[ I = \frac{V}{R} \quad \text{(Current)} \] \[ R = \frac{V}{I} \quad \text{(Resistance)} \]

Applications 🏗️

Ohm’s Law is used in various real-world applications, including:

  • Designing electrical circuits.
  • Calculating power consumption.
  • Troubleshooting electrical systems.

Diagram 📐

Here’s a simple diagram to visualize Ohm’s Law:

        Voltage (V)
      |   |
      | R |
      |   |
        Current (I)

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